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Since many people have asked, I decided to put up a donation button. Thanks for anything you wish to give, but don’t feel obligated in any way. This isn’t a way to pay me to translate certain things nor am I going to hold translations hostage for money. However, donations will at least offset the cost of buying games and allow me to reward people who help with the translations. Since I started working with other people to help with translating Paradox, I’ve been splitting all donations with them.

Please consider using your money to buy the games I translate and support their creators. Indie H-game makers are not behemoths like Activision and EA; every extra sale an H-game gets has a real effect on whether more games like it are made in the future. Monster Girls are very popular right now because they’re making money.

If you already have a PayPal account, you can just donate money to without PayPal taking a cut of the money. Otherwise, if you want to use a credit card or other form of payment, use the button below.

PayPal Donate Button

I now have a bitcoin wallet if you’re into that sort of thing.Ā 1LRGWQzJoQHDopsK8UdJeiJuQhGbf8obnQ

  1. Cio permalink

    I will certainly donate, i will give my confirmation when i got it to work.

    • Cio permalink

      Ooo, i forgot to comment, i will only support the game that i understand, that’s why i respect appreciate translator work, and willing to pay both the translator and the game. Just like MGQ that from the start i didn’t bought it yet until Rogue start to translate it i immediately bought MGQ. That’s why i really respect any translator!

  2. Kurei permalink

    Expect donation from me as well, since I appreciate your dedication and work.

  3. Cio permalink

    Umm, can someone help me how to donate? When i click Review Donation and Continue, it keep tell me to fill the ‘state’, but since i’m not in US, it should be blank, right?

    • Cio permalink

      Ah, At Last! I just type AA in state and it’s working…

      Here is my receipt for donating dargoth: 57P379547F1949717
      Please consider it as my gratitude to your work until now. If i can only request, i just want you to work the translation that you like and willing to. I will keep donating more as you trans more šŸ™‚

      And please if you have succeed in RPG Maker matter, i will just request 1 game to be translated, it is Mindia… šŸ™‚

      Thanks in advance, Dargoth!

      • ramna27 permalink

        The Fantasy World of Mindia? It is translated

  4. Cio permalink

    Umm, Dargoth-san, can you confirm my donation yet? I’m a bit curious since it’s my first donation :p

  5. Kurei permalink

    As promised here is my donation. A token of my appreciation for your work and effort. Keep it up Dar and have fun dude.

  6. Almir permalink

    Here is my donation. Really appreciate what your doing.

  7. Anonymous permalink


    I want to donate, but I would prefer to do so with bitcoin because my credit card is not private. Is there any chance you have a bitcoin address?

  8. Jessica permalink

    Just donated $3, and will donate $10 when you eventually release a full patch. Thanks for what you do, man!

  9. I’m going to donate $5 now, and I’ll add to that donation with continued translations. Keep up the amazing work.

  10. Got a job, I’ll be paying you $5 a week. I’m counting on you Baka~

  11. lotrfan1224 permalink

    I will donate 50 – 100 $ when you pick Sei Monmusu Gakuen up again cant wait for you to finish that šŸ˜›

  12. ExposedLamia permalink

    Donated $50.00. Have no idea if Paypal took a cut or not. First time using it like that. Regardless, Enjoy it Dargoth ā¤ !

  13. ClanCrusher permalink

    Here’s $50. Put it towards whatever will keep you alive, comfortable, and healthy so you can finish the translations. If you manage to shoot the moon and actually finish Ilias Continent by the end of the year, I’ll donate twice that much when that update hits. If I can finish Ilias Continent and then walk through the Pocket Castle (with all the Ilias Continent recruits) and STILL not hit any Japanese text, I’ll donate three times that.

  14. Cody permalink

    Just donated $15. I wish I could donate more but the US to AU conversion rate sucks right now. :p
    I know it’s not much but I just wanted to show my appreciation. Keep up the amazing work you’re doing, man!

  15. ClanCrusher permalink

    Just checking…you did get the donation, yes?

  16. Chinese man permalink

    Just donated. Did you got the full amount or PayPal took a cut? Just checking,not sure how it works.

    On a side note when will there be a new update?

    • Got it all. Thanks! Hoping for a new update in the next week as soon as I can get some editing done…

  17. sent some to show appreciation for the work you’re doing.

  18. ClanCrusher permalink

    Here’s another $50 for your continued work on this game. As before, I give you this donation completely guilt free. You can keep it for yourself or give it to whoever you feel would benefit most from it. Kick it back to the Devs of MGQ Paradox if you feel like it. Whatever you choose, I just hope to see more translation patches in the future and more quality editing of the H-scenes.

    And you should most definitely NOT take this as a subtle bribery attempt to get Riot’s H-scenes translated and edited. Nope. Not at all. No guilt here.

  19. law24 permalink

    Iv maxed out in the game paradox ( i think). And your translation was a great help. I will support you *throws money at Dargoth* , buy yaself as nice pizza.

  20. PunBunny permalink

    Will donate ā‚¬50 if the new update comes indeed in the first half of October! Hopefully most part, if not all will be done by then.

    • We’re still on track for a release of the full storyline and a fully playable translation in a few weeks. Just editing and filling in holes right now.

      • PunBunny permalink

        That’s awesome! Got my donation for you ready on release. I enjoyed MGQ Paradox Part I because of your work, you guys deserve a donation of some kind from us all!

  21. PunBunny permalink

    5 Days till the first half of October ends, are you guys still on track? Looking forward to it!

  22. Rodrigo Silva permalink

    i wanna donate, but since i live in Brazil i don’t know how to resolve the problem to convert the Real in Dollar, or the paypal do all the work for me?

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